Police investigations are now on after the latest recoveries of mass graves of Vallipunam in Mullaithivu jungles where body parts of 18 sailors and 8 Army soldiers were excavated after information. It was revealed that the victims were all killed after shooting on to their heads while hands tied at the back of their bodies and burned before burying inside the jungle by a group of LTTE cadres during the last phases of the Humanitarian operations in the north eastern part of the Island. Two gunny bags of sugar were also said to be added in the fire to boost the flame while burning the bodies according to the revelations. This dreadful story was narrated as exactly as it had been happening in the jungles of Mullaithivu by four hardcore LTTE members who were also among the members of the same killer group, later escaped into government controlled areas in disguise. They were taken in to the Police custody for full investigation to scrutinize terrorist’s activities reported by many as to their links with inhumane atrocities committed during the past decades.
Major General Shavendra Silva , on 15th Nov appearing in front of the LLRC ( Lesson Learnt & reconciliation Commission was appointed by the President under the Section 2 of the Commission of Inquiry Act to inquire and report on several areas between the period of Feb 21, 2002 and May 19, 2009) for the second consecutive time, revealed about LTTE’s atrocities that were carried out in the form of clandestine operations against the military during the past era. Revealing about LTTE’s modus operandi he did not forget to mention about enemy’s dress code particularly during the last days of the battle. For the first time at a session in the LLRC, Major General Shavendra Silva exposed LTTE’s inhumane acts of human right violations with the help of several video clips that showed how civilians and captives were detained inside LTTE dungeons. This was yet an another bomb explosion on the Tamil Diaspora which is struggling for its survival basically in western countries on the aftermath of the peace establishment in Sri Lanka. With the irritated revelations of Shavendra Silva at the LLRC, the annoyed Tamil Diaspora within 24 hours waged war against him through a puppet writer, Brad Hamilton in New York Post under the heading ‘A war criminal gets a UN job’ to regroup their propaganda mechanism to an extent to discard Shavendra Silva’s achievements in the past operations which helped to reunite the grieved Tamil civilians in the northeast who were held as bargain chips of the LTTE. The same story of Brad Hamilton was found cut and passed on another news agency located beyond the Atlantic Ocean which also positively set the door open for the racket against him.
Where on earth Shavendra Silva had killed 40,000 civilians? Can anybody prove that he personally got himself involved in such killings during the final stages of war against terrorism in Sri Lanka? On what grounds this accusation had been leveled against him? Can’t anyone see that Sri Lanka fought against terrorism, which is still deeply rooted in all over the world? LTTE as the most notorious terror group is totally banned in countries that included USA and UK . LTTE’s sinister activities have crippled most of Sri Lankas f internal and external matters for about 30 years until they were ultimately defeated militarily on ground with the blessings of all peace loving citizens of the country last year. Vallipunam mass grave yard is another place where LTTE kept its devilish stamp on breaching of human rights of men in the military. Is this worth to give the due prominence, because the victims are from the military of Sri Lanka? Are they not humans, don’t they have human rights? Let us wait and see which organization on Human Rights will appear for the rights of deceased men of Vallipunam!
It gives the impression that the Tamil Diaspora is so frightened about Shavendra Silva at present for his super senses against LTTE activities in the world. But the Diaspora could have been activated much earlier because what he had been telling before LLRC several months ago at the BMICH, Colombo, should now echo in them as he precisely pointed out the status of Tamil community under LTTE. In that he elaborated LTTE’s desperate attempts to create racial discrimination in the country during past years and displayed photographss of brutal assassinations conducted while attempting to diminish Leadership in the country which pressed them against the wall in the name of peace and harmony. Within past 32 years LTTE had gunned down 20 Tamil political leaders whereas they murdered only eight Sinhalese political leaders and in addition, a regional leader, Hon Prime Minister of India, Mr, Rajeev Ghandi on 21st May 1991 who was also unfortunately among them. This had been an eye opener for the Tamil intellectuals scattered in the country, who were very keen on the whole developments. Major General Silva pointed out that the native Tamils in northeast were the mostly deprived of their rights as a result of separatist terror which was carried out by the LTTE and they were being subjected for all types of harassments that included forcible recruitment, child soldiering, deprivation of formal education, employment on suicide missions and many more activities which are still branded as major violation of human rights. Furthermore, the innocent civilians were used in the money making mechanism of many a INGO’s and NGO’s who were activated for long time in the form of civilian assistance and poor relief organizations in those areas where LTTE had given boundaries as areas of their control.
Whilst in the progress of humanitarian operation the troops found not a single attempt by any of the so called civilian assistance groups that had been taken to renovate at least a culvert on a road in those areas which were under the control of the LTTE. So it won’t be that necessary to mention about the rest of the things pertaining to the basic infrastructure facilities that were said to be provided by such organizations to the civilians who were under enormous pressure and obviously under threat of life and death. Diaspora must now remember that desperate Tamil community under LTTE control areas were permitted to open their mouths only when they were eating and drinking something which had been given by someone. Other than that, had there been at least any freedom of expression of ideas where civilians enjoyed as they wanted? Did government of Sri Lanka made sanctions on their rights? Who ordered the elderly civilians to join Makkal Padai and Porani Forces ? Was it the Government of Sri Lanka who trained them to shoot ?
Has the government of Sri Lanka or Shavendra Silva asked Tamil youth to join LTTE and fight against the military? Has he ordered school children in Wanni to quit schooling to join fighting against military ? Why many Tamil youth escaped seeking asylum in other countries? Was it Shavendra Silva with a gun chased them away from the country? Many Tamils fled the country not because of the fear of military actions against terrorism but of the fear of their own men in Tiger suit who were fulfilling the sinister prerequisites of LTTE leadership. Sons and daughters of the leaders of the LTTE were found studying in higher education institutions in Europe where as poor children in Wanni had to defend them in bunkers day and night holding their death warrant in hand. Where was the sound of the so called precious saviors of Tamil Diaspora who are for the salvation of Tamils in the country at that time?
When Major General Shavendra Silva’s troops captured an English teacher turned terrorist leader alive from the Poonekery frontier during pitch battles, she revealed that there were more than hundreds of government servants in the education department who were trained along with her in the College of Education, Jaffna who had been forcibly recruited and were fighting against the government but their monthly salaries were received on due date without delay. From the time she dropped her weapon, she was welcomed in to her teaching profession in one of the schools in Wanni assuring the preservation of rights to education of hundreds of Tamil children in those areas. Was it a part of 40.000 ‘civilian killing’ of Shavendra Silva?
This is only one from the thousands of such incidents that are being happening in previously war torn areas in the Island. What do the Tamil people in the country need right now at the dawn of a good future? Are they to assist the Diaspora to protest against the government or to join the main stream to win their life back on their own land and live in peace and harmony? The military restored most wanted peace back in the country by way of eradicating terrorism physically from the ground. Ways and means adopted for it were obviously unveiled as a matter of transparency of the battle. Without picking out the thorn in the Tamil body how could a war being won? Was this called as a ‘Crime’? The holy bible say, ‘to get rid of your eye before it puts your entire body in hell’. Aren’t there any other good opportunities for the guys in the Diaspora to articulate defamatory stories against Sri Lanka and her worthy sons without playing juggleries to win the bread and butter outside their native land? Don’t they feel that they are isolated and being stagnating on somebody else’s country where they are being considered relevant only at election times? Trafalgar Square will not be there to demonstrate everyday even though it had been assured so by powerful personalities who were in the past. Diaspora still deceives their own men in their motherland. Native Tamil civilians did see the struggle and tasted the bitter taste of terrorism throughout when the Diaspora was enjoying the luxurious overseas. Western based Tamil Diaspora had failed to address the grievances of their own men living in Sri Lanka when they really needed assistance to break away from combating blood sucking cadres of LTTE. Instead the Diaspora collected loads of currency to strengthen the lunatics who were fighting the war mechanism against the government forces of Sri Lanka. They have sold the pride and the dignity of their own men in their own country to buy weapons and warlike hardware materials as they were asked to do so by their hoodwinks. What Diaspora earned those days are still being found from the areas where LTTE had buried them before the end result of their pathetic story on 18th May in the year 2009.
Major General Shavendra Silva, is the first to be appointed from the Sri Lankan Army to sit on the present diplomatic chair in UN’s Sri Lankan Mission in New York and he was the first to address its Security Council while on services on 29th last October. Though he was on ‘Women, Peace & Security’, his illustrious application onto the aftermath proceedings of war erupted areas that covered social uplift of the converted LTTE combatants, children and women at the limelight of peace had been the core of the speech. “Sri Lanka, having grappled with a virulent form of terrorism perpetrated by the LTTE, is fully cognizant of the despicable reality that once clouded the lives of the young girls and women in the North and East of the country. You would recall that Sri Lanka had to intervene in this august Council’s deliberations under Resolutions 1539 and 1612 on Children and Armed Conflict, to focus attention on the abhorrent practice of child recruitment for combat by the LTTE terrorists, and the deployment of young women as suicide bombers. With the defeat of terrorism in May 2009, through a massive humanitarian rescue mission, the Government took concerted action to rehabilitate and reintegrate all former child combatants”. At his diplomatic gesture at UN Security Council, Shavendra Silva had proved his capability as a matter of response to thousands of peculiar comments posted on various websites over his arrival to New York as the Deputy Permanent representative to the SL Mission. In addition, his bold utterance in following nature might have irritated the Diaspora that was spraying fake propaganda against the onward actions of the government “The lessons learnt and the good practices adopted by Sri Lanka in the arduous process of rapidly restoring the future of these children, deserve appreciation. Ours is a success story that has no parallel elsewhere. With regard to former adult LTTE cadres, the Government has placed a high priority on their social and economic reintegration”
At the wake of a new dimension being introduced to climb the ladder of development to a light by 2011, LTTE driven accusations in the shape of alleged war crimes leveled against the government and particularly on Shavendra Silva may intend for arbitrary clashes among major communities in the country while pushing Silva to a degraded atmosphere, enclosing substantial evidences raising against illegal Diaspora activities in future . As a matter of fact, Shavendra Silva is a person who is hailing from a place in the central hill country where the Tamil and Muslim communities are much bigger than to the size of his native Sinhalese community living in. So called writers in the Tamil Diaspora should also know that he was seen fluently talking in Tamil language with the rescued Tamil civilians during the time of Humanitarian operation was in full swing in the island.
Anyhow, the writers who are in the caliber of Brad Hamilton should be summoned before courts for ‘international’ lies at this nature. Journalism should be done impartially and any piece of work should be vehemently supported by true facts. Those are very basics of this art of most prestigious journalism as it preserves the ethical values of lives in any community. It should not be inspired by deteriorated segments in the community for cheap earning where as ill fated men who are in the LTTE’s payroll may use the wrong formation of adoptability considering none of the ethics, etiquettes and ethos of Tamils living inside Sri Lanka, peacefully after thirty years.
Major General shavendra Silva, now fighting the LTTE which is with no guns in hand . This bold and dedicated man who could liberate the motherland and salvage thousands of its Tamils from terrorism with his battalion, is now fighting all alone outside the country. Diaspora should learn lessons from him at least now, to build up their own individual personalities to face any circumstance.
“The man who saves the motherland is being spontaneously saved by the motherland”.